Segment your contact list

We make it easy to tag and save answers to contact fields.

This allows you to perform powerful searches to find the right contacts. You will then be able to send the right text message.

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A contact search engine that finds the right people

If there are contacts you need to find in your list, our search engine will do the job.

We're convinced this will help you communicate better with the right people when you need to send them a text message.

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Group Texting

Saved Replies

Zapier Integration

Rich Content

Our Features

We created the most advanced features to create the perfect sequence you need for your business.

Tag contacts based on answers, save their reply and transfer them to the correct department. All this without lifting a finger!

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People spend about 5 to 6 hours on their mobile phones.

People spend half their day on their phones.

Two-way SMS can improve net promoter scores and improve efficiency by roughly 80%

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Our customers love texting

As soon as I added group text messaging in the customer journey, I doubled my sales the same year. Customers were instantly grateful they could text us before, during and after their trip.

Claudia Sofio
Tourika, CEO

Ready to use texting in your business?

Get started today.